
Simple Tips to Help Your Kids Learn from their Mistakes

Everyone makes mistakes. It’s those who are capable of standing up afterwards and moving on that are truly successful in life. Helping your kids learn from their mistakes is a great way to help prepare them for the real world. However, at CodeREV Kids we know it can be difficult to do so. That’s why we’re here to provide you with some simple tips that will help you prevent your kids from being paralyzed by their mistakes and installed will help the move on and grow from them.

Help your child recognize what went wrong

The truth is that 9 out of 10 times, your child knows exactly what they did wrong. For example, if they got a bad grade on their report card, then they likely know that it’s because they didn’t do well on a particular test and they know they didn’t do well because they didn’t study as much as they should.

However, kids don’t always make these connections. That’s why your first reaction after your kid makes a mistake should be to ask them what went wrong. After you’ve established what the problem is, then you can find ways to move on from it.

Set goals and offer rewards

Once you’ve come up with the problem together, you can brainstorm the solutions together. For example, it may involve studying more, doing extra work, asking friends for their notes, or getting to school a little early and talking to the teacher. Let your child come up with some ideas on what they could do differently next time and then pick one or two and set them as goals.

You’ll also want to offer a reward if your child meets their goal. Some parents balk at this part and believe that simply doing well should be reward enough. The truth is that this is an important point in their lives and you want to help increase the chances that they’ll have positive associations with working hard.

Get them extra help if they need it

It’s important to teach your child to learn from their mistakes but it’s also important to teach them that it’s okay to ask for help when they need it. For example, if they’re having trouble understanding math or science, then you may enroll them in coding classes that give them hands-on, relevant exercises to learn the basics inside and out. Reach out to CodeREV Kids for more information on the options we offer.