STEM teaching

You May Be Surprised by the Ways Coding Can Help Your Children Excel

If you’re like many parents, you may think of coding as a technical skill. While it certainly is a technical skill, it’s also a lot more. It helps kids interact with the digital world in a different way and encourages them to become makers instead of doers. Studies have shown that coding improves computational thinking skills, which can give incredible advantages you may not have thought.

Coding is a great way for your children to practice math in the real world

People used to say that if a person is interested in programming then they should get good at math. Now it looks like the opposite may be true. Parents and educators alike agree that when kids learn how to code, their math skills are naturally improved – and they claim that math is more fun. Indeed, it certainly ends that age-old question kids typically have of math: When are we even going to use this?

Coding can help improve writing skills

Above all else, coding is creative. It allows children to combine their love of technology with a (sometimes) newfound love of art. Kids can tell interactive stories, they can create their own storytelling parties, and they can learn new skills that will improve their writing – all while having the time of their lives.

If you want to boost creativity then coding is a great place to start

There’s plenty of research out there that creativity isn’t just something we’re born with – it’s a skill that can be taught and that can be developed. When kids learn coding, they cultivate three qualities that can all improve creativity:

  1. Whole-brain thinking
  2. A desire to become a creator
  3. The mindset of an experimenter

Confidence is important and coding can help increase it

Don’t get stuck thinking that the only reason you’d want your kid to learn how to code is because you want them to grow up and become a programmer. While it’s true that it may open up doors in the future – in a variety of fields – it’s also true that psychologists agree that the way to boost confidence in kids is to boost independence and problem-solving. Coding can do all that and more.

Are you ready to learn more? CodeREV Kids is here to teach your kids the fundamentals of this exciting, invigorating, and creative field.