5 Signs Your Kid May be Headed for a Career in Coding

coding-careerThere’s no question that coding is here to stay. Careers in this interesting field are growing at an impressive pace, and there’s no sign they’re slowing down. Getting kids involved early is a great way to prepare them for a lucrative and satisfying future. Are you wondering if it’s a good fit for your kid? Check out these 5 signs that your kid may be perfect for this field.

  1. They’re natural problem solvers

Not every kid proactively looks for ways to solve problems. If your kid actually enjoys the challenge of finding solutions, then that’s an excellent sign they may be a great candidate for software development. Bonus points if they take realistic constraints into consideration, like budgets and timeframes.

  1. They love strategy games

Gaming really can be good for your kids – especially if it’s strategy games they love. These games help them increase their decision-making abilities, and force them to consider both short-term and long-term consequences. Whether computer games or board games like chess or Risk, if they like strategy, they might like coding.

  1. They’re musically inclined

Music and coding? You may think it doesn’t seem like a good mix, but evidence shows that there is a correlation between music and math. Just ask a group of coders! You’ll find many of them sing, compose music, or play an instrument.

  1. They like being around people

Of course there’s a stereotype that IT people are hidden away, working alone. The reality is that developers work with many others in business. They should have a hankering for communicating and the ability to explain difficult things in simple ways.

  1. They love the latest technology

What kid doesn’t these days, you may ask. But the truth is that some kids are happy with whatever technology you put in front of them, while others are always seeking out the newest technologies. If your kid is always curious about what’s coming next in the technological world, then they may be a great candidate for a CodREV summer camp.