Category Archives: Parenting

Starting the Year with a Learning Mindset: Tips for Parents and Kids

A new year it’s the perfect opportunity to foster a learning mindset within your family. At CodeREV, we believe in the transformative power of education, and we’re excited to share tips and strategies to help parents and kids embark on a journey of continuous learning. Embracing a New Year of Discovery with CodeREV!

The Importance of a Learning Mindset

A learning mindset is not just about acquiring knowledge; it’s a way of approaching challenges with enthusiasm, seeing failures as stepping stones to success, and instilling a love for the process of discovery. Here are some valuable tips to set the tone for a year filled with growth and exploration.

1. Fostering Curiosity

Encourage your child’s natural curiosity by creating an environment that sparks wonder. We offer a range of engaging classes and programs designed to captivate young minds. From coding adventures to robotics marvels, our courses are crafted to fuel the flames of curiosity and ignite a passion for learning.

2. Embracing Challenges

A learning mindset thrives on challenges. Teach your child the value of perseverance and resilience. Our programs are designed to challenge and inspire, providing a platform for children to overcome obstacles, build confidence, and develop crucial problem-solving skills.

3. Learning Together

We believe that learning is a shared experience. Whether it’s experimenting with DIY science projects or delving into the world of coding, the joy of learning is amplified when shared with loved ones. Explore our STEM classes that allow parents and kids to learn together. 

4. Making CodeREV a Learning Partner

This year, consider CodeREV as your dedicated learning partner. Our after-school classes, STEM programs and Camps are crafted to instill a love for STEM at a young age. From coding and robotics to game design, we offer a variety of options to suit every learning stage.

Starting the Year with a Learning Mindset: Tips for Parents and Kids

A Year of Possibilities

As you embark on this new year, remember that every day is an opportunity for discovery and growth. With a learning mindset, the possibilities are endless. We are committed to being a supportive ally on your family’s learning journey.

Join us now and let’s make this year a celebration of curiosity, resilience, and the joy of learning. Together, we can nurture the next generation of thinkers, innovators, and lifelong learners.

Discover the potential with CodeREV – where learning knows no bounds.

Fun Learning Activities for Families

Unleash the Potential for Growth with CodeREV

New year, new skills! As 2024 unfolds, it’s the perfect time for families to embark on a journey of exploration for fun learning activities together. At CodeREV, we’re passionate about making education a joyful experience, and we’re excited to share a collection of fun learning activities that will not only bring families closer but also foster the acquisition of new skills in this new year.

Dive into DIY Science Experiments

Make science come alive in your own home with easy and exciting DIY science experiments. From erupting volcanoes to creating a rainbow in a jar, these hands-on activities not only entertain but also teach valuable scientific concepts. We truly believe in the power of experiential learning, and our science-based programs are designed to engage young minds in a similar way.

Explore the World of Coding Challenges

Introduce your family to the language of the future with coding challenges. Coding is not just for tech enthusiasts; it’s a skill that promotes logical thinking and problem-solving. You can start with our coding programs suitable for all skill levels, ensuring that the entire family can enjoy the thrill of creating something unique through coding.

Get Creative with Arts and Crafts

Arts and crafts aren’t just for creating beautiful masterpieces; they’re also fantastic for developing fine motor skills and encouraging self-expression. Engage your family in creative activities that spark imagination and innovation. The importance of creativity in learning is crucial, and our programs incorporate artistic elements to make the educational journey even more enjoyable.

CodeREV Kids: Where Learning Becomes a Family Affair

As you venture into these new learning activities, we can be your partners in education. Our after-school classes and STEM programs are crafted to not only provide quality education but also to foster a love for learning within the family unit. From game design to robotics, we offer diverse options to cater to every learning style.

New Year, New Skills: Fun Learning Activities for Families

A Year of Discovery Awaits

This new year, let’s make learning a family affair filled with excitement, creativity, and shared accomplishments. At CodeREV, we believe that every family has the potential to unlock new skills and create lasting memories through education.

Join us on this journey of discovery and growth. The possibilities for learning are endless, and the joy of acquiring new skills knows no bounds.

Discover the magic of learning with CodeREV – where families come together to explore, create, and thrive.

Unwrapping the Joy of Learning: Nurturing a Love for STEM During the Holidays

The holiday season is a magical time filled with twinkling lights, festive cheer, and the warmth of shared moments. Amidst the seasonal delights, it’s also an opportunity for parents, educators, and caregivers to unwrap a special gift for the children in their lives—the gift of curiosity and a love for STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics). In this exploration, we’ll discover the joy of infusing STEM during the holidays, turning the season into an enchanting blend of celebration and learning.

STEM During the Holidays

As parents and caregivers, we understand that children are naturally curious beings. This holiday season, let’s channel that curiosity into exciting STEM adventures. STEM provides a unique lens through which children can explore, question, and discover the world around them. Whether it’s understanding the science behind snowflakes, experimenting with holiday-themed chemistry, or engineering festive structures, the possibilities to nurture curiosity are as endless as a child’s imagination.

Fun and Festive STEM Activities

In the spirit of the season, let’s sprinkle a touch of STEM magic into our holiday traditions. Transform cookie decorating into a geometry lesson, exploring shapes and patterns. Create a winter wonderland-themed coding activity where children design a virtual snowscape using simple coding commands. These activities not only add a dash of festive flair but also seamlessly integrate learning into the holiday festivities. After all, who wouldn’t want to learn about physics while building a gingerbread house or explore the magic of chemistry through holiday-themed experiments?

STEM During the Holidays

Turning Decorations into Learning Opportunities

As decorations adorn our homes, they also present opportunities for educational exploration. Dive into the mathematical world of symmetry by creating symmetrical snowflakes or discover the principles of physics through the hanging of ornaments. Uncover the science behind twinkling lights and explore the engineering aspects of constructing a stable and aesthetically pleasing holiday display. By turning decorations into learning opportunities, we weave education into the fabric of our holiday traditions.

Family STEM Challenges during the holidays

The holidays are all about coming together, and what better way to unite the family than through STEM challenges? From building a marshmallow tower to constructing a ‘Santa’s Sleigh’ that can carry the most ‘presents,’ these challenges promote collaboration, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills. The joy of achieving a shared goal and the laughter that accompanies these activities create lasting memories while nurturing a love for STEM.


In the symphony of holiday celebrations, let’s make STEM an integral part of the melody. By unwrapping the joy of learning, we not only enrich the holiday experience but also set the stage for a lifelong love of exploration and discovery. As parents and caregivers, let’s embrace the season as an opportunity to instill the wonder of STEM in our children. After all, the greatest gift we can give them is the gift of knowledge, curiosity, and the joy of learning.

This holiday season, let the lights on the tree be matched by the sparkle of curiosity in our children’s eyes as they unwrap the true magic of STEM.

Boosting Time Management Skills in Kids: A Key Benefit of Our STEM Classes

Do you ever feel like there aren’t enough hours in the day? You’re not alone. Many parents find it challenging to instill effective time management skills in their children. At CodeREV, we believe that learning should extend beyond textbooks and classrooms. That’s why our STEM classes are designed not only to inspire a love of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics but also to equip kids with valuable life skills, including time management.

The Importance of Time Management

Time management is a crucial skill that influences a child’s academic success, extracurricular participation, and overall well-being. Kids who can effectively manage their time tend to perform better in school, have less stress, and develop habits that serve them well throughout their lives.

How Our STEM Classes Promote Time Management

So, you might be wondering, how exactly do our STEM classes contribute to better time management skills? Here are a few ways:

1. Structured Learning Environment: Our classes are designed with a clear structure that includes schedules and deadlines. Kids learn to organize their time effectively, ensuring they complete tasks and projects on time.

2. Project-Based Learning: Engaging in hands-on STEM projects teaches kids to plan, allocate resources, and manage their time wisely to achieve project goals.

3. Problem-Solving Skills: Our curriculum encourages students to think critically and solve complex problems. This fosters a sense of responsibility and encourages effective time management to tackle these challenges.

4. Prioritization: In STEM, it’s essential to prioritize tasks and allocate time and resources efficiently. Kids learn to identify what’s most important and how to allocate their time accordingly.

5. Independent Learning: Our classes promote self-guided learning, allowing students to manage their own time and progress at their own pace, which is a vital skill for future success.

time management for kids: STEM classes

The Long-Term Benefits

The time management skills that kids develop in our STEM classes extend far beyond the classroom. As they grow and face more complex responsibilities, these skills become increasingly valuable. Whether it’s managing homework, extracurricular activities, or future projects, our students are better prepared to meet these challenges head-on.

Join Us in Cultivating Young Time Managers

At CodeREV, we understand the importance of nurturing well-rounded individuals who excel in both STEM subjects and life skills. Our STEM classes not only ignite a passion for learning but also equip kids with the time management skills they need to thrive in a fast-paced world.

If you want to give your child an edge in their education and in life, consider exploring our STEM classes. Watch as they not only grow in knowledge but also in their ability to manage time effectively, setting them up for success in the future.


Time management is a skill that will benefit your child throughout their life. Our STEM classes offer a dynamic, engaging, and hands-on way for kids to develop these skills, setting them on a path to success. Join us in providing your child with the tools they need to thrive in a world that demands effective time management. Enroll in our STEM classes today, and let’s inspire the next generation of innovators and time managers!

STEM in Everyday Life: How to Spot Learning Opportunities

In a world where Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) play an increasingly vital role, fostering a love for STEM in Everyday Life has never been more important. The good news is, STEM learning isn’t limited to textbooks and classrooms. In fact, STEM surrounds us every day, and there are countless opportunities for our kids to explore, experiment, and learn. The challenge? Spotting these moments and turning them into exciting learning experiences.

Everyday Science:

Kitchen Chemistry: Cooking and baking offer a treasure trove of scientific lessons. From measuring ingredients to understanding chemical reactions, the kitchen is a hands-on science lab.

Gardening Adventures: Planting seeds and nurturing a garden is an exploration of biology, botany, and ecology. Kids can learn about plant life cycles, photosynthesis, and ecosystems.

Weather Watch: Keeping an eye on the weather presents opportunities to study meteorology, atmospheric science, and even basic physics. Create weather journals or follow meteorological reports together.

Technology Tidbits:

  • Gadget Dissection: When old devices break or are no longer in use, take them apart together. It’s a fun way to learn about the inner workings of technology.
  • Coding Quests: Explore coding through kid-friendly apps or games. Learning the basics of programming can be a creative and logical adventure.
  • Tech Troubleshooting: Next time a tech issue arises, involve your child in the problem-solving process. It’s a real-world lesson in critical thinking and debugging.

Engineering Excitement:

  • LEGO Adventures: Building with LEGO blocks isn’t just play; it’s an introduction to structural engineering and design principles.
  • Bridge Building: Using household items like spaghetti and marshmallows, challenge your child to build bridges and explore the physics behind them.
  • Cardboard Creations: Cardboard boxes are the perfect canvas for constructing anything from simple structures to elaborate cardboard cities.

Math Moments:

  • Grocery Math: Make shopping a math lesson by having your child calculate costs, measure items, and estimate totals.
  • Board Game Bonanza: Many board games involve strategic thinking and math skills. From chess to Monopoly, they’re great for sharpening young minds.
  • DIY Puzzles: Create your own puzzles or riddles for your child to solve. It’s a playful way to engage their mathematical thinking.

Encouraging Curiosity:

  • Ask Questions: Encourage your child to ask “why” and “how” about the world around them. Answer questions to the best of your ability or explore the answers together.
  • Explore Together: Be curious with your child. Investigate insects in the garden, watch the stars, or take apart an old appliance to see what’s inside.
  • Celebrate Mistakes: Show that it’s okay to make mistakes. In fact, learning often comes from trial and error. Embrace the journey of discovery.
STEM in Everyday Life

Remember, STEM learning doesn’t always require a formal lesson plan. By recognizing the STEM opportunities in everyday life, you can foster your child’s natural curiosity and help them develop essential skills for the future. Encourage questions, exploration, and hands-on experiences to make STEM a part of your daily adventures.

Every day is a chance for your child to become a scientist, engineer, or mathematician-in-the-making. So, embrace the learning moments that surround you, and watch your child’s excitement for STEM bloom.

Let’s make learning an everyday adventure! Join us on this amazing learning adventure 🌟🔬🌿

Parent’s Guide: Nurturing Your Child’s Curiosity in STEM

As a parent, you hold the key to unlocking a world of curiosity and exploration in STEM for your child. When it comes to STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics), your support can make all the difference in igniting a lifelong passion for these subjects. In this blog post, we’ll explore how you can play an active role in nurturing your child’s interest in STEM and empowering them to thrive in a rapidly evolving world.

Nurture Your Child's Curiosity in STEM
Nurture Your Child’s Curiosity in STEM

1. Embrace Curiosity in STEM Together:

Encourage your child’s natural curiosity in STEM by engaging in their questions. When they ask about how things work or why the sky is blue, take the time to explore the answers together. Curiosity is the foundation of STEM learning and by showing your own enthusiasm for discovery, obviously, you create a positive environment that encourages them to ask more questions.

2. Foster Hands-On Exploration:

Additionally , you can provide your child with opportunities for hands-on exploration. Simple science experiments at home, building projects with everyday materials, and even cooking together can spark their interest in STEM concepts. These activities allow them to see science and math in action, making the subjects more relatable and engaging.

3. Encourage Critical Thinking:

Challenge your child’s problem-solving skills through puzzles, games, and brain teasers. Critical thinking is at the core of STEM subjects. Consequently, by regularly engaging in activities that require logical reasoning and analysis, you’re preparing them for the challenges they’ll encounter in STEM learning.

4. Expose Them to STEM in Everyday Life:

Point out STEM elements in everyday situations. From the technology in the games they play to the design of buildings, show them how STEM is all around us. This helps them understand that STEM is not limited to a classroom—it’s a part of their world.

5. Celebrate Mistakes and Learning:

Create an environment where making mistakes is part of the learning process. When something doesn’t go as planned, help your child understand that failure is an opportunity to learn and improve. This growth mindset is crucial in STEM, where experimentation and iteration are key components.

6. Explore STEM Resources Together:

Utilize books, documentaries, online resources, video games like Minecraft and even visits to science centers or museums. These experiences can introduce your child to new STEM topics and expand their horizons.

7. Support Their Passions:

Pay attention to what specifically sparks your child’s interest within STEM. Whether it’s robotics, space exploration, coding, or something else, support their passions by providing related resources, kits, or classes. (Check our robotics, game design and engineering classes here)


In conclusion, as a parent, you’re a guiding force in shaping your child’s outlook on learning. By fostering curiosity, critical thinking, and a positive attitude toward challenges, you’re setting the stage for a lifelong love of STEM. Remember, you don’t need to be an expert; your enthusiasm and involvement are what truly matter. We’ll walk with you and your child the journey of STEM discovery together, and watch your child’s skills flourish. 

Best Winter Activities for kids 2021

Winter break is just around the corner, which means we have to start planning winter activities to keep our kids happy and engaged while indoors. The holidays will feel different this year, but there are plenty of virtual and in-person options to have fun with our children. 

We’ve been working on a list of the best winter activities to keep your child entertained while getting prepared for their future in school and in life. We chose each of these activities thinking of their fun, educational and engaging nature. These winter activities can teach foundational STEM skills that will benefit our children in and out of the classroom.

So, get ready to find the perfect activity to make this winter unforgettable for you and your children.

Here are the best winter activities for kids in 2021:

Winter activities for kids

Build something amazing challenge

What better way to explore engineering than getting hands-on and start building with objects you can find at home! Gather any kind of object that could be useful: plastic cups, boxes, popsicle sticks, LEGO blocks, books, etc. Start exploring how different heights, shapes, sizes or weights work for different purposes and structures.

Idea: Create a challenge around the activity. Challenge your children to recreate an existing structure, like a famous building or bridge, with the objects you find at home.

Enjoy a family STEM movie night

Nurture your child’s interest in STEM with a STEM edition movie night! STEM is everywhere. You can find science, technology, engineering and math in almost any movie you choose. Gather the family and choose between science and technology documentaries, biographical films or science fiction flicks to find the role of STEM in the movie.

Idea: You can watch The Theory of Everything to be inspired by Steven Hawking’s life as a physicist. You can also try Radioactive, which highlights Madame Marie Curie’s brilliance and her courage as a female scientist. Hidden Figures is another great choice and tells the inspiring true story of pioneering female, African-American scientists at NASA. 

Create an offline game:

If your child loves playing games, it’s time to design their own! Game creation can really improve your child’s problem-solving skills, creativity and confidence. You can start by brainstorming and helping them think of the fundamentals of the game: How many people can play the game? Does the game have rules for the players? What is the game’s objective? What characters will the game include?  After that, it’s time to start building the game. Create a game board, characters, cards, dice, costumes or any other pieces needed to play the game.

Idea: You can choose to create a physical game or program the idea of the game online

Design a video game

Creating their own video game is an amazing way for kids and teens to put their ideas into action! If your child is more into online activities, you can integrate online STEM activities with a purpose. By learning a kid-friendly coding language children can combine their interests with valuable 21st century skills.

Idea: Try out our Online or In-person Winter Tech Camps. We’ve designed the ultimate Coding, STEAM, Game Design, Engineering, and Digital Design camp experience for children led by expert instructors with extensive virtual teaching experience!

Experiment with science

Explore science at home with easy-to-do science experiments! You can get your kids excited about science by trying out science experiments with nothing more than objects you can find around the house. You can try from making frozen bubbles or crafting crystallized ornaments to be amazed with magic milk. Next time your kids tell you they’re bored, set up one of these experiments and watch them be amazed!

Idea: Pinterest has an amazing repertory for fun experiments for kids, teens and the whole family! 

We really hope these fun winter activities will make this winter break fun and productive! 

Best family-friendly video games

Playing video games with your kids is a much better practice than you may think. Of course, we don’t want our kids growing up in front of the screen, but taking the time to share some quality screen time with them is a great idea. Video games have become more than an entertaining tool; video games are incredible tools to learn through play, experience and action.

Learning through games is often used to make knowledge more accessible and easy to connect with not only for kids, but also for adults. Think of Duolingo or Fitbit, apps designed to help engage its users with learning. Video games can do that too. That’s why we’ve created a list of games that are both fun and educational that you definitely should try with your children at home. 

Best family-friendly video games

The Little Big Planet series:

This game series follows the adventures of Sackboy and his friends. The first two games are mostly platform-jumping and avoiding obstacles to make it to the next level. Players can also create their own levels, customize characters or build complex contraptions in a level. The game also helps develop logic, spatial orientation skills, design and problem solving.


Minecraft is like virtual Legos. Minecraft has so many educational benefits for kids that it’s widely used in schools and tech camps to teach creativity, problem solving skills, engineering concepts, math and much more. Minecraft lets its users explore and create worlds by gathering resources, crafting tools and engaging in some combat. The flexibility of the game allows kids to approach the game in multiple ways which makes it more interesting for kids. It is also a great way to change sides and get involved letting your kid teach you something for a change.


This is a largely underrated co-operation game that’s perfect for parents and their children. Screaming instructions at each other, laughing hysterically and high-fiving as you snip your way through really fun levels are some of the characteristics of this game. Players must come up with creative ways to solve multiple puzzles, each one with unique objectives, such as fitting inside a shape template, carrying objects, or cutting out a pointed end in order to pop balloons.

Kerbal Space Program:

With this game your child can explore physics, the solar system, mathematics and basic aerospace engineering. This is a rocket simulation game, and it focuses on a space program for an alien race called the Kerbals. The idea behind the game is to build a rocket that works based on realistic aerodynamic and orbital physics. Once you get your Kerbals into space, you can explore the solar system, build bases and construct space stations. The game got a lot of attention from NASA and the B612 Foundation, a nonprofit dedicated to planetary science and planetary defense.

Where on Google Earth is Carmen Sandiego?

Explore the capitals of nations across the globe, locations of historic events and other geographical facts. Where on Google Earth is Carmen Sandiego? is a series of three video games that use Google Earth software and can be played by clicking the icon of Carmen Sandiego. Players use the magnifying glass to interview witnesses in different cities, gather clues while learning about geography and history. When they think they’ve figured out the next step, they can click the airplane icon to fly to the next city and continue unraveling the mystery.

Video games have become an excellent way to learn, have fun and, as parents, to be able to connect with our children. Have you tried or heard your children talk about any of these games? Tell us in the comments if you would try any of these video games with your children, or if you have any others you enjoy playing together!

STEM skills for the future

STEM-based education teaches children more than math or science concepts, it puts an emphasis on preparing children for the future. The skills that STEM education gives to students extend beyond these fields. In fact, STEM helps children develop valuable skills that enable them to be successful in any industry or field they choose. But what are those valuable skills and how can they use them for a better future?

Before stepping into the skills derived from a STEM-based education, we should understand what STEM really means. STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. The term STEM has become recurrent in school’s curriculum, education policies and skills needed for employment.

STEM skills for the future

STEM is a method of education where these subjects are taught together and not individually. It shows the bridges between these valuable subjects by putting students at the core of the experience. STEM focuses on hands-on experiences, making children active learners instead of passive listeners.

Skills Derived from STEM-based education

The focus on hands-on learning that STEM education encompasses, added to real-world applications, helps children to develop fundamental skills for their future. These so-called 21st-century skills include media and technology literacy, initiative, flexibility, productivity and communication. Perhaps even more importantly, STEM-associated skills like problem-solving, critical thinking, creativity, curiosity, decision making, and acceptance of failure are inherent to this learning style.

Regardless of the interests, passions, or future career paths considered by children, these skills are preparing them to be successful and innovative wherever they go. 


One of the skills that really makes the difference in any life situation your child could face is problem-solving. One can think of all of life as a series of problems of different complexities, in addition to the problem-solving nature of school, university, or in careers: society requires more problem-solving skills than it ever has before. STEM develops problem-solving skills like no other subject because it encourages kids to experiment, make mistakes and learn from their own experiences to find or create solutions.


The ability to think creatively and change standards are the basis of innovation. Creativity isn’t as simple as it sounds, but it is not a skill you are simply born with either; you can train creativity. Learning how to think outside of the box can change the way you approach different situations on a daily basis. STEM-based education teaches how to look at a problem from a different perspective while fostering creativity.


In a world where advances in technology, inventions and knowledge change by the day, flexibility is definitively a much-needed skill. Since technology and science change so quickly, flexibility is also integral in success in STEM-related education since they’re always updating themselves. The ability to be flexible will prove incredibly valuable to keep updated in the ever-changing environment around us. Last, learning to adapt quickly will help your student to adapt to a fast-paced career and job market. 

In addition to these life-changing skills, there are also solid numbers related to the increase in STEM-related job opportunities as shown below.

Projections of  STEM-related occupations:

  • According to PriceWaterhouseCoopers (PwC) 75% of fast-growing occupations require STEM skills.
  • Employment in STEM occupations grew by 10.5% or 817,260 jobs, between May 2009 and May 2015. Compared with 5.2% net growth in non-STEM occupations.
  • Computer occupation is showing the highest number of STEM jobs because of the consistent progression in the digital sector. 
  • As a result of the increasing participation of consumers and businesses in the digital economy, computer-related occupations are expected to grow exponentially in the next 10 years. 
  • STEM workers command much higher wages and are also less likely to experience joblessness than their non-STEM counterparts.

-U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

Jan, 2021

(Here you can dive even deeper into the stats surrounding STEM-related occupations)

The data above is solid: needs in the job market are changing. That’s why we place so much emphasis on the importance of learning to code from a young age. Preparing children today to become the innovators, inventors, designers and coders of tomorrow begins with a STEM-based education. From schools, camps, and after-school programs we can create hands-on and real-world experiences to prepare our children for a lifetime of success. 

Let us know how you feel about STEM in the comments and if you’re interested in another blogpost about how you can start exploring STEM skills from home!

Parents guide to the digital age

We live in an era where children are “Digital Natives” – let’s face it, technology feels like it was designed for them.  So, as caring parents, it’s important for us to keep up with the digital age. But how? In order to help children have healthy usage of digital tools, we as parents must assume our role in actively teaching these skills.

Digital devices, media, virtual learning and online-mediated interactions are an integral part of our world today. The benefits that the digital age offers us are endless, if used appropriately.

Children know how to upload and download stuff, edit photos, search for content, and fix grandma’s phone when she deleted all its apps. They navigate digital tools like fish in water to such an extent that it’s common to hear parents bemoan “My kid knows so much about technology that I feel I could never keep up”. 

Parents guide to the digital age

It’s great to see how children seem naturally born with these skills, but it also might be a little scary. There is no doubt that bad stuff can happen to kids with unsupervised use of technology, from being exposed to inappropriate content to inappropriate people. But the solution is not necessarily taking away their devices or banning an app. That can be kind of like saying cars are dangerous, so we’re going to completely stay away from cars. Instead, we can better understand technology, relate to it, connect with it and, teach them how to use it.

How to do our homework?

Being absolutely updated about every single app, game or social network our children could have access to is impossible. But, there are a few tips we could use to create a more conscious digital age navigation. 

Critical thinking in the digital age

Children navigate the digital age innocently. Teaching them critical thinking to analyze certain situations that may arise in this environment will benefit their use of technology. Having a talk with your children about the importance of privacy and the dangers the internet has is key. 

Children need to know that just as they can benefit from the internet, there are also dangers that they can detect and avoid themselves. Teaching them they can analyze and make decisions, guided by you as their parent, will help them throughout their life. 

Taking care of the landscape in the digital age

As we mentioned before, cultivating critical thinking in your children is fundamental. But, just as we must promote their independence and responsibility, it is also our duty to take care of the content they have access to. Doing a little research about the games they play or the influencers they follow will give you a glimpse of their digital environment. Then, you can decide for yourself which apps or games are appropriate for your kids. Is there a way to control whom they connect with on a game platform? Do you want to limit their access to those games with a certain ESRB rating: EC for Early Childhood, E for Everyone, E10 for Everyone 10 and up, T for Teen, M for Mature, and AO for Adults Only.

Also, there are thousands of apps or games labeled as educational, but this isn’t always quite right. Products pitched as educational are also worth checking out. Organizations like Common Sense Media reviews apps, games and programs to guide you in making the best choice.

Make a family digital use plan

The use of technology shouldn’t just be monitored for your children, but also for parents. Parents are number one role models for children. Technology, when used thoughtfully and appropriately, can really enhance our daily lives. Media shouldn’t displace important activities like face-to-face interaction, family-time, outdoor-play or exercise. 

Co-play, co-view and co-engage with your children’s movies and games encourages bonding, learning and social interaction. By playing a video game or watching a show together, you will have the opportunity to share experiences and become a part of it. The idea is to not just monitor them online, but interact with them and help mold their experience! 

In the end, kids will be kids. They could make mistakes when using digital tools. Helping them understand that technology is great while being used properly is the best thing you can do for them in our digital age.

Find out some really educational, fun, and safe activities for your children online by checking out our After-School Classes!