Could be the Next Big Thing?

live-coding-tvMany video game enthusiasts are familiar with The site allows you to watch others play video games, have others watch you, chat, and more. According to Tech Crunch, there is now a Twitch specifically for coders. Tech Crunch delves into this story in a recent article titled “YC-Backed Is For Coding.”

According to Christine Magee of Tech Crunch, “, a startup in Y Combinator’s current class, is launching today to help coders learn from their peers in real time. The way Livecoding works is pretty simple. Developers stream live video of themselves coding, and users watching can ask questions or give feedback. Since launching a beta in February, Livecoding has seen 40,000 people sign up across 162 countries. Users have streamed in a variety of spoken languages, including Portuguese, Russian, and German, as well as coding languages, including C#, Python, and PHP. Anyone who wants to stream about coding can do so, from expert coders to 11-year-old kids building their first Java game. Similar to Periscope or Meerkat, you can follow individual users and receive notifications when they start a new live stream. For professional coders, Livecoding can be a great place to source beta users or get feedback on a new app. Well-known programmer and physicist Stephen Wolfram, for instance, promoted his new programming language on Livecoding last week with a demonstration that drew more than 4,000 viewers.”

Livecoding certainly provides the opportunity for people throughout the world to engage with one another while improving their coding skills. However, there is no substitution for the classroom when it comes to coding education.

At CodeRev Kids, we put a special focus on computational thinking, which encompasses a wide range of programming concepts and languages. These lessons build upon one another, and we adjust starting points to each student’s level of expertise. Thus, the entire curriculum is customized. Since we utilize an individualized approach, after school coding and tech camps begin when your student arrives and end when your student leaves.

We consider ourselves the most educational tech camp out there, but we also keep the focus on having fun. As a result, students stay engaged while learning to blend creativity with technology.

Lastly, at CodeRev Kids, we offer a variety of tracks, allowing our students to explore a number of areas including programming, robotics, game development, and computer animation.

If you want to give your child a leg up in the coding world, your best bet is CodeRev Kids!