What do I do with my kids this summer?

ChildSports Camp – Sports camps are a great way to develop your child’s skill in their preferred sport, or to teach your child a new sport that they wish to learn. Some of these camps are highly focused and others cover multiple sports. Choose based on your child’s wishes.

Music Camp – From School of Rock to your local school band, practice makes perfect! Rock’n’Roll Camp for Girls in Portland, OR is a great example of camps throughout the country.

Code Camp – These camps are great ways to expose your child to possible skills and career paths that are not often covered in schools, even these days. Your kid doesn’t have to be a computer nerd to attend these camps and they can be really helpful in exposing your child to possible STEM related careers in the long run. CodeRev Kids is a great example of a summer program which appeals to children through a variety of programs from computer game and web design to robotics. Your child can dip her toe in the water of programming easily by learning to make a level in Minecraft, or how to program a robotic arm made of Legos. As their interests grow, your children can explore different aspects of coding and expand their skills.

Academic Camp – Ask officials at your child’s school what local camps would be best for your child’s academic growth. There are a wide variety of camps available in most locations, and there are larger camps available at major universities throughout the country.

Outdoor Camp – Outdoor summer camps come in all shapes and sizes. All children should learn to appreciate nature, and picking up some extra skills can be a bonus. Hiking, animal care, fire building and camping, crafts, horseback riding, and barn dances are all wonderful experiences for your children.

Space Camp – Everyone loves Space Camp! It is a great way to sneakily introduce a love of science into your child’s life. You can’t defy physics unless you know what the laws are!