Why Coding is a Skill Every Kid Should Learn Before College

Coding For College

Coding is an invaluable skill in the modern world. I believe that all children should be taught how to code, as early as is possible. It should be a language class after Spanish, but, that doesn’t really happen yet. Coding provides a foundation for a developing brain which leads to smarter and more successful adults. CodeRev Kids is one of the best ways to get a child started in coding. There are many ways to get your child involved, depending on your family schedule and your child’s particular interests. Programs are held as Spring and Summer Camps, as well as after school. Kids can choose among a number of topics, as young as age 6, and build on their skills along with their interests. Topics range from simple Minecraft modification fun to hardcore Python programming. Your child can delve into animation, game design, robotics, or another specific area in depth if they wish through a plethora of.

In this day and age, there are not many growing industries. The baby boomer generation is still taking up a large number of jobs, at it looks like they may not be able to retire as early as they would like. Some jobs are being outsourced and some have been made irrelevant. For these reasons, there aren’t many growing industries in the United States. Coding is a skill that can provide a child with a marketable trait as he or she moves out into the world. Coding can give your child the freedom of choice to live where they want, as you can always work from home! College is expensive, and it isn’t for everyone, so wouldn’t it be great if that wasn’t the only way to get your kid ahead in the world? If your child is college-bound, and doesn’t want to code, the skills learned through different coding camps can be applied to many other passions, and improve their eventual chances in the job market.

So please, make sure your kid learns how to code.