How Coding Can be a Career Game Changer Even if You Didn’t Start in Tech

coding-career-laptopIn South Florida, coding classes are booming. The Miami Herald takes a look at this in a recent article titled “South Florida’s hottest education trend: Coding class.”

According to the author of the article, “So like an increasing number of kids across South Florida, Daniel spent some of his summer days in an air-conditioned classroom, learning the first steps of something many people find daunting — crafting computer code. His immersion started simply. He played Minecraft, a video game where users construct a world with 3-D blocks, and then he learned to create changes in that virtual world to suit his liking. The importance of knowing how to code is no longer some secret shared among techies in Silicon Valley. Last year, President Barack Obama called on kids to start coding, and some celebrities you wouldn’t necessarily identify as geek types — like Shakira and Ashton Kutcher — spoke out about how all students need to develop the skill. In South Florida this summer, educators and entrepreneurs set up shop in classrooms and day care centers to host coding camps for kids of all ages and grades. While some were low cost or supported by grants, other ran as as much as $2,000 for two weeks.”

While youth in South Florida are taking early steps to get their coding education, adults throughout the country are doing their best to catch up with the changing market. The New York Times examines this in a recent article titled “As Tech Booms, Workers Turn to Coding for Career Change.” Steve Lohr of the New York Times writes, “After Paul Minton graduated from college, he worked as a waiter, but always felt he should do more. So Mr. Minton, a 26-year-old math major, took a three-month course in computer programming and data analysis. As a waiter, he made $20,000 a year. His starting salary last year as a data scientist at a web start-up here was more than $100,000. ‘Six figures, right off the bat,’ Mr. Minton said. ‘To me, it was astonishing.’ Stories like his are increasingly familiar these days as people across a spectrum of jobs — poker players, bookkeepers, baristas — are shedding their past for a future in the booming tech industry. The money sloshing around in technology is cascading beyond investors and entrepreneurs into the broader digital work force, especially to those who can write modern code, the language of the digital world.”

For youth in California, the best bet for a comprehensive, customized coding education is CodeRev Kids. At CodeRev Kids, we focus on Computational Thinking, which encompasses a wide range of programming concepts and languages. Our lessons build upon one another and we adjust starting points to each student’s level of expertise. As a result, the entire curriculum is customized. In addition to having the most educational tech camp out there, we also keep the focus on having fun. Thus, students stay engaged while learning to blend creativity with technology.

Whatever coding education needs you might have, the best bet for your child is CodeRev Kids!