The Coding Nightclub?

coding-night-clubThere are many places you might expect to see a coding training camp pop up. Chances are, a nightclub wasn’t the first place that came to mind. That is, however, exactly the case in Louisville. The Courier-Journal reports on this in a recent article titled “Coding-training site opens in former nightclub.”

Sheldon S. Shafer of the Courier-Journal writes, “An affiliate of the University of Louisville Foundation has transformed a former downtown nightclub, Icebreakers, into a hub for coding instruction, a field rife with many high-paying jobs. The Kentucky Innovation Center is overseen by Nucleus, a product of the UofL Foundation. Nucleus has developed the job-training site at 252 E. Market St. The building at Market and Floyd streets is near the UofL Foundation’s J.D. Nichols Campus for Innovation and Entrepreneurship, where a large new office building has filled up and a parking garage is under construction… The building’s classroom space is being called the Trinity Video Communications Center to recognize the Louisville company that donated the audio-visual equipment and engineering to make the system run on a wireless network. The new coding effort at the site was announced at a news conference Wednesday morning attended by Mayor Greg Fischer, Nucleus CEO Vickie Yates Brown and UofL officials. Fischer noted that by 2020, there will be 1 million more computer programming jobs in the U.S. than workers to fill them, and more than 10,000 of those jobs are expected to be available in the Louisville area. ‘Code Louisville is helping to quickly fill that need,’ Fischer said. ‘By taking coding classes in this updated space, local workers are gaining access to good-paying tech jobs.’”

On the west coast, we are just as aware of the need for coding education to prepare youth for the future of the workforce. At CodeRev Kids, we take a customized approach to your child’s education. Our lessons emphasize Computational Thinking. This is a concept that encompasses a wide range of programming concepts and languages. These lessons build upon one another and we adjust starting points to each student’s level of expertise. As a result, the entire curriculum is customized. In addition to being the most educational tech camp out there, we also keep the focus on having fun. This keeps students engaged while helping them to learn to blend creativity with technology.

If you’re looking for a quality coding education experience for your child, your best bet is CodeRev Kids!