Using Coding to Bring Together Different Faiths

different-beliefs-codingCoding doesn’t just bring computer enthusiasts together. Coding education can help to unite different cultures and people of different beliefs. Consider a recent article from the Huffington Post titled “Interfaith Girls Coding Class Teaches Students The Common Language Of Computers.”

Antonia Blumberg of the Huffington Post writes, “Sponsored by Near Neighbours, an interfaith wing of the Church Urban Fund, and funded by a grant from Department for Communities and Local Government, the coding class aims to expose students to faiths and cultures they may have previously had little contact with. Twenty-six girls, ages 12 and 13, were enrolled in the inaugural eight-week after-school class that ran from April 29 to June 17. The program aimed to equip the students with coding skills in Python, CSS and JavaScript. The girls came from different faith backgrounds and were enrolled at one of three schools: London’s Ayesha Muslim School, Maria Fidelis Catholic School and the Yavneh College Jewish School. Students were chosen by their school based on their IT skills, willingness to take on extra-credit and interest in engaging with people of other faiths, project founder Rabbi Natan Levy told The Huffington Post. Levy enlisted the help of Hannah Waxman, a local engineer at software company ThoughtWorks, to design and teach the class. The rabbi said he hopes to continue the course in the fall. ‘Computer coding felt like such an obvious focal point for this project, not least because it is an emerging field, but even more so because in this currently fractured world it holds promise as a shared language,’ Levy said. Just 11.2 percent of technology leadership jobs in Europe are held by women, according to a report by Gartner called the ‘2014 CIO Agenda: A Perspective on the Priorities of Women and Men.’ The percentage of women holding positions as chief information officers for technology companies has remained static at just 14 percent since 2004.”

At CodeRev Kids, we’re dedicated to providing coding education to youth through customized courses. Our students learn Computational Thinking, which encompasses a wide range of programming concepts and languages. Also, our lessons build upon one another and we adjust starting points to each student’s level of expertise. This makes the entire curriculum is customized. In addition to being the most educational tech camp out there, we also keep the focus on having fun. As a result, our students stay engaged while learning to blend creativity with technology.

If you’re interested in giving your child a unique, first class coding education, check out our different after school tracks of STEM & Coding Camps!