Tag Archives: focus

6 Ways to Help Kids Focus

At CodeREV Kids, we work with parents all the time who struggle to get their kids to focus. We understand that this is a real issue and we’ve come up with six of our favorite tips to help your kids get on board.

1. Make it clear that you expect them to take their time

Often times, kids don’t meet their parent’s expectations because they don’t understand those expectations. Make it clear that you don’t want them to race through everything. Encourage them to pause, take their time, and understand tasks in front of them.

2. Encourage plenty of breaks

When you give your kids plenty of brakes, they’re able to expend their energy and focus better. Work with them to come up with the right amount of time to work and how much of a break they’ll take. When they have a say in how the time is allotted, they’ll be more likely to be on board.

3. Show them how to do one thing at a time

We live in a world that values multi-tasking but kids must learn how to do one thing at a time before they can learn how to do several things at once.

4. Get rid of distractions

If kids have something else to focus on, it’s not surprise that they’re going to focus on. Don’t allow them to study with the TV on and don’t expect them to be able to concentrate if you’re in the same room talking to another family member. Give them private, distraction-free spots to work.

5. Come up with a plan

Teaching kids how to plan their day can help them focus but it can also help teach them general organizational skills. You don’t need to buy a day planner for them, but you can break down a large task and help them see how working towards it a little each day will result in a big pay off in the end.

6. Find fun ways to teach them

The reality is that kids are going to have a harder time focusing when they’re learning via tasks that don’t hold their interest. With some subject matters, there’s likely no way around this. However, when it comes to STEM subjects, supplement their school learning with coding classes. Why coding? Because it teaches them a host of skills including focus, problem-solving, and much more. Let CodeREV Kids help you get your kids on track.