I can't wait for coding camp!

Online Summer Tech Camp

LIVE, Online Coding Camp & Course Details

Livestream Online

**Livestream is now available for half day and full day Summer STEAM Camp! Campers can enjoy our famous Online Summer Camp classes with the same live, expert instructor, while interacting in a safe, online classroom in a live setting led by our experienced teacher in a controlled environment from home. Campers still get to enjoy all the important social interaction with other campers, but from your computer at home with the simple click of a link. Livestream follows the same daily schedule as our regular online coding camps shown below, and can be signed up for by the week, half day mornings or afternoons, or full day. The camp day is broken up into a variety of exciting activities, both on and off screen, and includes structured break times.

A Summer To Remember

CodeREV Kids Tech Camps are the ultimate camp experience in education and fun. Whether learning to write code, 3D model and animate, develop the next great app or game, mod in Minecraft, or publish the next great Roblox game, your kids and their friends will love sharing in the confidence-boosting experience of creating with technology as they explore and develop their multimedia STEM skills in our virtual camp format.

** CAMP NOW INCLUDES A FREE 90 min. Fall class!

LIVE, Online Coding Camp & Course Details


M-F, Wk-Long Sessions

Full Day: 9:30am-3:30pm

1/2 Day AM: 9:30am-12pm

1/2 Day PM:

1pm-3:30pm for PST & 12:30pm-3pm for EST


Live, Online Join from


Online, Live Pricing

Half Day:
$259 per week
$305 per week

Full Day:
$489 per week
$569 per week

Full Day Online Schedule

9:30am -
Group Check-In and Game activities
9:45am -
10:30am -
Morning Snack and Activity Break
10:45am -
12:00pm -
12:20pm -
Games and Activities
1:00pm -
2:00pm -
2:30pm -
Snack Break
3:00pm -
3:25pm -
Wrap up and Review

Pacific Time Schedule

Choose your Timezone:

View Schedule For:

CodeREV Micro: Ages 5-10
K-2; 3-4 Now Filled Now Filled Now Filled Now Filled Now Filled Now Filled Now Filled Now Filled Now Filled Now Filled Now Filled Now Filled Now Filled
1-2; 3-5 Enroll Here Enroll Here Enroll Here Enroll Here Enroll Here Enroll Here Enroll Here Enroll Here Enroll Here Enroll Here Enroll Here Now Filled Enroll Here
1-2; 3-5 Now Filled Now Filled Enroll Here Now Filled Enroll Here Now Filled Now Filled Enroll Here Now Filled Now Filled Now Filled Now Filled Now Filled
1-2; 3-5 Enroll Here Now Filled Enroll Here Enroll Here Enroll Here Enroll Here Now Filled Enroll Here Enroll Here Enroll Here Now Filled Now Filled Now Filled
3-5 Now Filled Now Filled Now Filled Now Filled Now Filled Now Filled Now Filled Now Filled Now Filled Now Filled Now Filled Now Filled Now Filled
2-4 Enroll Here Enroll Here Enroll Here